The Taxi Registry is a Taxi Exchange Point (TXP) that facilitates the connection between taxi drivers and their clients. Clients may use taxi search engines to hail taxis geolocalised by taxi operators.
The Taxi Registry is an intermediary between taxi search engines and taxi operators.
This documentation includes an overview of the Taxi Registry’s REST APIs, which provide access to the Registry’s data entities through Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI).
In order to access these REST APIs, your app submits an HTTPS request and analyzes the response it receives. Standard HTTP methods are used, such as GET, PUT and POST. These REST APIs operate on HTTPS, meaning they can be easily used through any programming language. The Taxi Registry’s REST APIs use JSON as their input and output format.
The Taxi Registry’s complete REST API documentation is available at no charge here.
Please note that individual operator data are kept separate and cannot be viewed by other operators.
In order to be added to the data registry, the operator must submit its taxis’ contextual data (see Section 2 of the attached document), location and status (Section 3 of the attached document). Operators are service intermediaries and tech solutions for independent drivers.
Once development within the acceptance test environment is done, the operator must contact the administrator. When the administrator has confirmed the operator has been properly integrated, the latter will receive an API key for the production environment.
The operator’s first benchmark is submitting its taxis’ location and status.
Even if they cannot yet receive requests from the Registry (Section 4 of the attached document), operators will still receive an API key for the production environment.
Once an operator has proved its system can receive Registry requests within the production environment, it must contact the administrator.
The administrator will then confirm the operator can properly receive requests and will configure the Registry to send requests to the operator within the production environment.
The administrator may be contacted at:
For more information : API technical documentation.