Developed by the Bureau du taxi de Montréal, in collaboration with the Information Technology Department of the City of Montreal and the Urban Innovation Laboratory (LIUM), the optimization of the uses of the Register is also the result of fruitful collaborations .

Polytechnique Chair of Mobility

The BTM taxi office collaborates with the Polytechnique Mobility Chair, which analyzes the statistical data collected by the Registry. As part of this tripartite agreement with Revenu Québec, an anonymized dashboard is used and allows the Polytechnique to directly access the data from the Registry.


As part of the City of Montreal’s integrated mobility project, the BTM is working in collaboration with the Fabrique des Mobilités (FabMob) to make relevant data sets available to partners. The development team has integrated LIUM partner FabMob into the Taxi Registry.

The body’s mission is to make certain data from the Registry accessible to the general public. Following the smart city challenge prize won by Montreal, Jalon is responsible, among other things, for delivering the digital platform and tools for valuing and visualizing mobility data.

Mobility Data

During fall 2020, the BTM joined Mobility Data as part of the General On-Demand Feed Specification (GOFS) program; an emerging project to develop an application programming interface. Essentially, the project aims to:

  • integrate taxi services, public transport, microtransit, among others, in trip planning applications;
  • facilitate digital transactions for on-demand services in travel planning applications;
  • provide guidelines on how to capture this data in real time for historical analysis.

This project will help optimize the positioning and development of the taxi service in the digital industry and urban mobility.

MobilityData is an internationally recognized non-profit organization with its roots in Montreal. The organization is working to standardize mobility-related information to improve the user experience and reduce reliance on single-occupancy vehicles. The organization brings together private and public sector stakeholders with a common goal of improving and expanding data formats in order to build the future of mobility.